Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Here is the I made this book for my Mother-in-law for Mother's Day...I hope she likes it. I have fallen in LOVE with making mini ACRYLIC albums. The biggest challenge for me is trying to include all of my pictures...the only solution I have found is making FOLD OUT pages/tags for several pages.

Another favorite of mine is using LACE PAPER because it can serve as a double page if you choose to let the other side of the paper show through, which is what I did for this book. I LOVE the way the white shows through on the other side.

I LOVE how you can see the Lace on several different pages by cutting the mats smaller for the following pages.
This mini album has over FIFTY (50) pictures inside!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much. It really means a lot to me. Please stop by often to see what I am up to.
